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100% Arneis – HECTARES: 80.00.
Blangé is the ‘white side’ of Piedmont wines; a product that marked an era, transforming Langhe oenology devoted until then to the exclusive enhancement of red varietals. Son of Roero, a strongly peculiar territory, and of a productive will aimed at reinforcing the identification of the variety, as well as its pleasantness, Blangé combines a sustainable approach in the vineyard with modernity of execution. Fruit and minerality, fragrance and calibrated freshness coexist in a white that has made enjoyability and transversality its trademark.
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If your purchase includes this product, the shipment of the entire order will be available exclusively for the countries of the European Union, otherwise you will have to pick up by hand at DAV PASTRY LAB Via Tonale 93 – 24061 Albano Sant’Alessandro (BG).